Nimble Courses

Engaging, editable courses that your teams will embrace

Child Protection Level 2

By: Espirita
Duration: 60 minutes
Price: £20
(15% charity discount applies)

Building on their Level 1 foundation module, industry training experts, Espirita Learning, have developed this Child Protection Level 2 course to provide comprehensive safeguarding information for staff who come into contact with children, young people and/or their parents or carers during their line of work.

This course explores identification of at-risk individuals and provides practical guidance on the steps that should be taken if you come into contact with a child who you believe has potential to fall victim to abuse, or who you suspect of being subject to abuse already. With the NSPCC reporting ever rising figures of child abuse year on year, it has never been so important to ensure that those with the ability to protect children are fully competent and well-trained in order to facilitate appropriate, and often life-saving, intervention.

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After completing the course, learners will be able to:

  • Understand the legislation surrounding child protection
  • Knowledgeably refer to The Children Act 1989
  • Identify the categories and common indicators of abuse
  • Understand measures that can be taken if potential for abuse is suspected
  • Understand the referral process and what to do if abuse is disclosed or reported
  • Refer to the Common Assessment Framework
  • Understand formulation of child protection plans
  • Explore serious case reviews
  • Understand the role of local safeguarding children’s boards
  • Identify vulnerable children in special circumstances


Topics explored in this course, Child Protection Level 2:

  • Defining child protection & The Children Act
  • Serious case reviews: Victoria Climbié
  • Legislation
  • Every child matters: the ‘five outcomes’
  • Types of abuse
  • New threats
  • Children and the internet
  • The common assessment framework
  • Child protection plans
  • Child protection conferences
  • Looked after children
  • Children in special circumstances
  • Facts & statistics
  • Local safeguarding children’s boards
  • Information sharing

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