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Transforming Learning at Shireland Collegiate Academy

Perhaps some of our commercial customers won’t see the immediate relevance of the world of education to their needs, but if you give us a minute of your time, we want to challenge that perception.

Our partnership with Shireland Collegiate Academy has always been about transforming the way students engage with the learning process. Technology is changing that process, and doing it rapidly. If you haven’t been into a school or college lately, you’d be surprised at what you’d see. By harnessing technology for learning and supporting school processes, high levels of progress have been achieved. Every student has their own device to access the online platform, the ‘Learning Gateway’. It is the driving force of the academy’s community. It provides access to online areas and teacher resources designed to support and enhance learning for young people. Flipped Learning – where homework focuses on acquiring knowledge prior to activities taking place in the classroom – has been an essential part of the Academy’s transformational journey.

Nimble provides the ease-of-use staff need to create learning resources as well as monitor their students’ achievements. It’s a transformation that’s involved everyone – teachers, students and even parents.

So what’s brought about the change in this school and how is it relevant to ALL our customers? Here are 5 reasons:

1. Nimble Author was chosen for its simplicity
The more teachers who use it, the less they rely on the Academy’s elearning team to create courses. Teachers are the knowledge experts, they understand how students learn – so who better to create the courses and assessments? Simplicity also makes courses quick to create, avoiding wastage of teachers’ time.

2. Personalising learning
It can be better for students when they can access courses tailored to their needs. If a student needs to improve their numeracy, they can be enrolled on a course which takes them through the knowledge they lack, then they are assessed on it, and their results data is available to their teacher.

3. Data Rules!
The interactions made as students work through courses are stored in the Learning Management System, and provide teachers with diagnostic information on individuals and entire cohorts. This analysis can be used to monitor performance too.

4. 24/7 learning ensures students learn beyond classroom walls
Homework can have new purposes. Learning takes different approaches which help students realise education (and training) is ongoing – it doesn’t stop for the clock (or the calendar).

5. Technology is the future
Young people in schools and colleges have been labelled ‘Generation Z’ and ‘digital natives’ because they’ve grown up around digital technology and social media. Research suggests these people will have an enormous impact on commercial organisations when they enter the job market.

The relevance to our commercial customers is obvious. In the coming years, the workforce is going to expand with bright-eyed young people who have grown up in a world of digital technology – it defines them. Those companies who recognise this fact are already reviewing their working practices with this in mind. We’re not just talking training here; these young people will challenge the systems underpinning the business to find more effective and efficient ways to work, communicate, promote – even to think.

Those companies slow off the mark may miss the transformational opportunities these young people bring with them. We suggest getting ready for this exciting tsunami of young talent that has the potential to change the world!