Security and continuity of service are paramount to Nimble. We’ve embedded this ethos throughout everything we do.
All of the team at Nimble have carried out stringent data and information security training (using Nimble’s bespoke Information Security and Data Protection Essentials/GDPR courses) and we carry out yearly refresher training.

We provide a secure, SSL, online service hosted on AWS (Amazon Web Services). The AWS cloud infrastructure has been architected to be one of the most flexible and secure cloud computing environments available today, and our expert Nimble team exploits the very best of it. AWS provides an extremely scalable, highly reliable platform to deploy applications and data quickly and securely.
With continued innovation and the integration of the best of all available software, we can increase the reliability, performance and security of our system. Our customers enjoy and appreciate Nimble as our elearning tools enable them to make a difference. It easily solves their training needs.