Nimble Courses

Engaging, editable courses that your teams will embrace

Child Protection Level 3

By: Espirita
Duration: 90 Minutes
Price: £25
(15% charity discount applies)

This Child Protection Level 3 course is designed for those working with children and / or their carers and who could potentially contribute to assessing, planning, intervening and evaluating the needs of a child or parenting capacity where there are safeguarding concerns.

Developed by Accredited CPD Providers and industry training specialists, Espirita Learning, this course builds on their Child Protection Level 1 & 2 courses and follows the principle that competent, well-trained practioners really do save lives.

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After completing the course, learners will be able to:

  • Understand the legislation surrounding child protection
  • Identify the categories and common indicators of abuse
  • Understand measures that can be taken if potential for abuse is suspected
  • Understand the referral process and what to do if abuse is disclosed or reported
  • Identify new dangers to children such as the internet and grooming
  • Understand the vulnerability of children in special circumstances
  • Understand the Common Assessment Framework and importance of information sharing
  • Understand the importance of a child centred approach
  • Know how to write a report
  • Identify the steps to take when a child dies
  • Knowledgeably refer to the components of forensic examinations


Topics explored in this course, Child Protection Level 3:

  • Defining child protection
  • The Children Act
  • Legislation
  • The ‘five outcomes’
  • Types of abuse
  • New threats
  • Children and the internet
  • Looked after children
  • Children in special circumstances
  • Barriers to disclosing abuse
  • What to report
  • Effective advocacy
  • Referrals
  • Local policy
  • The common assessment framework
  • Quality assessments
  • Information sharing
  • Local safeguarding children’s board and members
  • Conferences and outcomes
  • Child protection plan
  • Serious case reviews and processes
  • Integrated children’s system
  • Writing a report
  • Child death
  • Paediatric forensic examinations

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