Nimble Courses

Engaging, editable courses that your teams will embrace

Menopause Essentials

By: Nimble Elearning Ltd
Duration: 35 minutes
Price: £13.99
(15% charity discount applies)

Menopause symptoms affect 75% of all women and yet there’s still a widespread lack of understanding and reluctance to talk about it. Chances are you or someone you know will be going through menopause right now!

This course aims to help you become ‘menopause aware’ and overcome the stigma. It will help you recognise symptoms and understand the impact menopause can have on you and your workplace.

Courses developed by Nimble Elearning have been certified by the CPD Certification Service and count towards your annual CPD requirement.

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By the end of this course, you should be able to:


  • Recognise how menopause affects women in different ways
  • Take steps to create a more supportive workplace for those experiencing menopause


Topics explored in this course, Menopause Essentials:


  • Menopause explained
  • Menopause at work

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