Nimble Courses

Engaging, editable courses that your teams will embrace

Mental Capacity Act

By: Espirita
Duration: 30 minutes
Price: £5
(15% charity discount applies)

As individuals, most of us have the right to make our own choices, no matter how sensible or otherwise they may turn out to be! However, for some people, medical conditions may affect their cognitive abilities and it could be determined that these individuals are no longer able to make their own decisions.

This Mental Capacity Act course, developed by healthcare industry training specialists Espirita Learning, addresses the intricacies of assessing mental capacity and the legalities surrounding this area of healthcare.

The course explores: the five main principles of mental capacity; the importance of consent; Duty of Care; and the legal mediums by which a person’s power to decide for themselves may be diminished, should it be decided they are incapable of their own personal care.

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By the end of this course learners will be able to:


  • State the meaning and types of consent
  • Explain what is meant by duty of care
  • Understand the meaning of mental capacity
  • Recall the five key principles of capacity
  • State the difference between capacity and limited capacity
  • Recognise the difference between lasting power of attorney and deputyship orders
  • Understand the meaning of deprivation of liberty safeguards
  • Describe the conditions relating to a valid advance directive



Topics explored in this course, Mental Capacity Act:


  • Types of consent
  • Consent for children
  • The Gillick competency
  • The Fraser guidelines
  • Duty of Care
  • The dilemmas of Duty of Care
  • Mental capacity
  • The 5 key principles
  • Lasting power of attorney
  • Deputy-ship orders
  • Deprivation of liberty safeguards
  • Advance directives


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