Nimble Courses

Engaging, editable courses that your teams will embrace

Modern Slavery Essentials

By: Nimble Elearning Ltd
Duration: 50 minutes
Price: £13.99
(15% charity discount applies)


The illegal and morally corrupt practice of modern slavery and human trafficking is sadly alive and thriving today, to the tune of 40.3 million slaves worldwide. In fact, one of the largest offenders is the UK, with reported cases increasing across many industries, including agriculture, construction, hospitality and manufacturing.

Would you know how to recognise a victim of slavery? It’s every organisation’s ethical responsibility to ensure managers and employees can identify the characteristics of modern slavery and ensure they remain compliant with the Modern Day Slavery Act 2015.

This course, developed by elearning specialists Nimble Elearning, looks at the extent of modern slavery in the UK; how to spot the signs of a victim; what to watch out for as an employer and how to report concerns to ensure vulnerable people are identified and supported.

When you finish the course, you will be asked to demonstrate your understanding of some of the key points by completing a short assessment.

Courses developed by Nimble Elearning have been certified by the CPD Certification Service and count towards your annual CPD requirement.


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After completing this course, learners will be able to:

  • Appreciate the extent of modern slavery in the UK and the many forms it takes
  • Recognise the factors that can increase a person’s risk of exploitation
  • Spot signs of modern slavery and human trafficking that can help them identify potential victims
  • Understand the measures available to punish perpetrators and support potential victims
  • Report their suspicions or concerns to the appropriate organisation


Topics explored in this course, Modern Slavery Essentials:

  • Modern slavery
  • Victims of modern slavery
  • Solving the problem

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