Nimble Courses

Engaging, editable courses that your teams will embrace

Prevent Awareness

By: Espirita
Duration: 45 minutes
Price: £10
(15% charity discount applies)

Terrorism has cast a dark shadow over modern day times. With tools such as social media at their disposal, extremist groups have a long reach when it comes to radicalising vulnerable individuals, which is why understanding and vigilance have never been so important in the fight against terrorism.

Developed by industry training specialists, Espirita Learning, this Prevent Awareness course covers relevant legislation, an understanding of what radicalisation means, the relationship between extremism and terrorism, how to spot warning signs and where to obtain support for those in danger of becoming radicalised.

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After completing the course, learners will be able to:

  • Refer to relevant legislation related to keeping society safe from radicalisation and terrorism
  • Gain an understanding of what radicalisation means and why people may be vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism
  • Understand the term ‘extremism’ and the relationship between extremism and terrorism
  • Recognise the warning signs that someone may be being groomed by a radicalising influence or has become radicalised
  • Gain awareness of the measures available to prevent people from becoming drawn into terrorism
  • Understand how to obtain support for people who may be being exploited by radicalising influences


Topics explored in this course, Prevent Awareness:

  • Terminology
  • Legislation
  • Contest
  • Interpretation
  • Vulnerabilities
  • Characteristics of those at risk
  • Warning signs
  • The ‘prevent’ duty
  • The internet
  • Take action
  • The right context
  • Engage, intent, capable
  • Your Responsibility
  • Proportionate response
  • The channel process
  • Information sharing

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