Nimble Courses

Engaging, editable courses that your teams will embrace

Time Management Essentials

By: Nimble Elearning Ltd
Duration: 35 minutes
Price: £13.99
(15% charity discount applies)

Some people glide through their jam-packed days, ticking off tasks with the tempo of a teacher taking the morning register. Then there are the rest of us!

Nature dictates that we all have access to the same 24 hours in a day, yet certain people appear to be much more efficient at managing their minutes than others.

Fortunately, there are a host of transformative time management techniques that are really easy to implement and that could make all the difference to your productivity.

This course explores the practicalities of good time management, providing tips and coping mechanisms to make you more productive and efficient at work, and by default, everyday life!


When you finish the course, you’ll be asked to demonstrate your understanding of some of the key points by completing a short assessment.

Courses developed by Nimble Elearning have been certified by the CPD Certification Service and count towards your annual CPD requirement.


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By the end of this course, you should be able to:


  • Understand why good time management is important
  • Recognise common challenges to effective time management
  • Apply techniques to improve your own time management skills


Topics explored in this course, Time Management Essentials:


  • Time management techniques
  • Stops and robbers
  • Time-saving tactics

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