Nimble Courses

Engaging, editable courses that your teams will embrace

Working at Height Essentials

By: Nimble Elearning Ltd
Duration: 40 minutes
Price: £13.99
(15% charity discount applies)
(Bulk discounts available)


Two thirds of all work at height injuries occur due to falls from two metres or less! For many of us, we don’t even realise we’re ‘working at height’, so don’t take the necessary precautions to keep ourselves and those around us safe.

This course helps to identify activities that are classed as work at height under the law. It demonstrates how employers and employees need to work together under the Working at Height Regulations (2005) to implement safety measures, assess risks and follow best practice for any work performed at height.

Courses developed by Nimble Elearning have been certified by the CPD Certification Service and count towards your annual CPD requirement.

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By the end of this course, you should be able to:


  • Recall which type of activities classify as ‘work at height’ (WaH)
  • Recognise your employer’s and your own responsibilities under the Work at Height Regulations 2005 (WAHR)
  • Identify risks most commonly associated with working at height
  • Plan a safe approach to performing work at height
  • Use stepladders and leaning ladders safely


Topics explored in this course, Working at Height Essentials:


  • Introduction
  • Assessing the risk
  • Safe practice
  • Working with ladders

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