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Saving the Cybernauts!

Did you know you’re a cybernaut?

If you spend time regularly using the internet, then you are. And there are a lot of us. Cisco Systems predict there will be over 4 billion users in 2020, with 26 billion networked devices, of which 66% will be wireless. Each user will produce 44 gigabytes of traffic – per month.

Impressive figures certainly, but behind that data lurks a growing threat. We cybernauts run the risk of being attacked – the Internet is a bit like the Wild West in that respect.

Those attacks can be costly to your business. The Ponemon Institute’s Cost of a Data Breach Study cited the average penalty as $3.6 million. That doesn’t include the loss of client trust; the TalkTalk data breach in 2015 cost them 100,000 customers.

So, in this Wild West environment, who’s playing the Lone Ranger? One contender for the role is Cyber Security Associates Limited (CSA). This cyber consultancy and cyber managed service provider help to detect, protect and educate against these threats. Their team is made up of ex-military and commercially experienced specialists flashing their cyber certification… just the kind of people you need.

As recent Nimble customers, CSA has recognised the enormous potential to be gained by extending their services via elearning, to give them a global reach. They continue to offer face-to-face training, but as Madeline Howard, CSA’s Business Development and Office Manager points out, this is often not suited to all organisation. By using Nimble, they’ve tapped into new sectors and extended their reach to new clients.

As Madeline says, “Our use of Nimble has extended our service offering and now forms part of our complete cyber security package. Cyber user awareness is so important, therefore when paired with our other services, it provides businesses with total cyber security reassurance.”

This expansion of their business happened despite their lack of experience in elearning at the start. Over to Madeline again,

“The Nimble platform is exceptionally easy to use. In addition, the support provided and ongoing advice has enhanced our expectations. Wendy has been brilliant throughout the development of our courses. She was very proactive in organising progress meetings with us to ensure we were meeting our development goals.”

The need for this ease of us has been important. Developing their Cyber Security User Awareness course, as well as a training resource on GDPR for Employees, has meant finding time amidst all their other commitments. Having trialled other online learning platforms, Madeline believes Nimble has stood out in this respect – its simplicity has saved them time.

However, there’s one other factor that stood out in Madeline’s comments; “creating the courses is enjoyable”. For someone who describes herself as ‘not very experienced’ in developing elearning resources, we’re really chuffed by that comment! It’s what Nimble is all about!

So, in our own small way, we see ourselves as Tonto, riding alongside The Lone Ranger, helping to protect cybernauts against the hackers and phishers. We’re there to provide whatever support CSA will need as they continue building the elearning side of their business.

CSA are holding a FREE 2-hour seminar ‘How to avoid exposing your digital footprint to cyber criminals’ on June 22 2018 at Nimble House, Stonehouse Gloucestershire. Booking is essential! https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/nimble-know-how-partner-seminar-cyber-security-associates-tickets-46754044606