Radicalisation Awareness

Radicalisation Awareness

Terrorism has cast a dark shadow over modern day times. With tools such as social media at their disposal, extremist groups have a long reach when it comes to radicalising vulnerable individuals, which is why understanding and vigilance have never been so important in...
Safeguarding Adults Level 3

Safeguarding Adults Level 3

There are a number of conditions and circumstances that may result in an adult being classed as ‘at-risk’. This might be age, mental health, disability, substance misuse or learning difficulties to name a few. When an adult is no longer fully in control of their...
Safeguarding Adults Level 2

Safeguarding Adults Level 2

Vulnerability is a word most commonly associated with children, yet there are many conditions or circumstances that can make an adult vulnerable too. Age, mental health, disability, substance misuse and learning difficulties are just some of the factors that can make...
Child Protection Level 2

Child Protection Level 2

Building on their Level 1 foundation module, industry training experts, Espirita, have developed this Child Protection Level 2 course to provide comprehensive safeguarding information for staff who come into contact with children, young people and/or their parents or...
Food Safety Level 2

Food Safety Level 2

Every day thousands of people in the UK suffer from food poisoning. Those most seriously affected are the very young, the elderly or people who are already medically compromised in some way. It is crucial that anyone working in a food handling capacity is adequately...