Following our successful show in 2015 at...
Nimble Wins Business of the Year at the Stroud Life Awards!
Nimble Elearning have won Business of the Year...
Nimble Community Day 2016
Here are some of the highlights of our wonderful...
‘Upgrade Your Learning’ with Barry Sampson at the Nimble Community Day 2016
This event is not to be missed! It’s your chance...
Date Announced for Nimble Community Day 2016!
Good things come in threes! Three cheers,...
Nimble Community Day 2015
A big thank you to everyone who joined us for...
Elearning Guru Clive Shepherd Comes to Nimble Community Day
Learning and development specialist Clive...
Nimble Triumphs at Learning Technologies 2015
Following a successful launch of Nimble at the...
Nimble Community Day 2014 Makes a Connection
We’re delighted to have received some really...