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In the meantime, feel free to browse the rest of our courses.
Safeguarding Level 2 Bundle
With social media almost inextricably linked to our every day life, issues of bullying, grooming and radicalisation have become more prevalent and more difficult to prevent than ever before.
Child Protection Level 1 (Scotland)
Child Protection Level 1 (Scotland) course for all non-clinical staff working within healthcare addresses current child protection legislation in Scotland.
Child Protection Level 2 (Scotland)
This course explores identification of at-risk individuals and provides guidance on the steps to take if you come into contact with a potential victim.
Child Protection Level 3
This Child Protection Level 3 course builds upon industry training experts. Espirita’s, Level 1 & 2 courses to provide practical safeguarding advice for assessment and intervention where concerns for a child’s welfare are identified.
Child Protection Level 3 (Scotland)
Developed by Espirita, this Child Protection Level 3 (Scotland) course is designed for those working with children and / or their carers and who could potentially contribute to assessing, planning, intervening and evaluating the needs of a child or parenting capacity where there are safeguarding concerns.
Counter Fraud
This Counter Fraud online course examines the different types of fraud active today and the role & responsibilities of the individual when suspecting fraud.
Enteral Feeding
Healthcare training professionals, Espirita, have developed this Enteral Feeding course to help healthcare professionals and community carers navigate their way around the challenges associated with short and long term tube feeding.
Prevent Awareness
Espirita team up with Nimble to deliver this anti-terrorism course on Prevent Awareness. The course aims to help anyone from teachers and doctors to office colleagues identify those in danger of becoming radicalised.
Safeguarding Adults Level 3
This course builds upon Espirita Learning’s Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Level 2 course and is CPD accredited, equating to 3 CPD points.
Safeguarding Adults Level 2
This Level 2 course explores current legislation, categories of abuse, the signs and symptoms to look out for and action to take should abuse be suspected.
Child Protection Level 2
Developed by industry training experts Espirita, this Child Protection Level 2 course builds upon their Level 1 Child Protection course and provides comprehensive safeguarding information for people who come into contact with children during their line of work.
Food Safety Level 2
This course provides food handlers with information to control food safety hazards & satisfies their legal obligation of appropriate food safety training.